All attorneys must fill out this form if they are seeking first time membership on the Salt Lake City or St. George CJA Panels. Application decisions will be made based on case needs, panel size, panel composition, panel conflicts, and panel caseload. Applications should be submitted by December 1 for consideration for 2023 appointments.

The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees an accused the right to representation by counsel in serious criminal prosecutions. Enacted in 1964, the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) establishes a comprehensive system for appointing and compensating legal representation for accused persons who are financially unable to retain counsel in federal criminal proceedings. The CJA Guidelines for the United States Courts are here --

Utah's CJA Panel Committee will review all applications and will forward its recommendations for new panel membership to the Chief Judge. If accepted to a CJA Panel, attorneys will serve for a term of 1-3 years before the next review period.

If an applicant is not immediately accepted for CJA Panel membership, they may be invited to participate in the Second Chair Program beginning for attorneys without sufficient federal defense experience for immediate CJA Panel membership.

Do not send applications by email, email only resumes and writing samples.

Please be sure to provide a mobile number on which you can receive text messages. Prompt communication is important to successful participation with the CJA Panel.
Business Address
Home Address
Are you a Utah resident and do you intend to remain in Utah during your time working with the CJA panel?
If no to either, you must explain below in the "other" section.
Do you maintain a primary, satellite, or shared office in Salt Lake City or St. George?
Which CJA Panel are you applying to join?
There are two panels for Utah's Federal Court. Select only the CJA panel to which your home or office is closest--not both panels. If you lack the requirements for Panel Membership you may be asked to apply for the Second Chair Mentoring Program (beginning in 2022) for licensed attorneys who do not yet have sufficient federal defense experience for CJA Panel membership. More information about this program will be available soon.
Are you a current Member of the Bar of the United States District Court for the District of Utah?
Are you a current Member of the Bar for the Tenth Circuit?
Are you presently a member in good standing with the Utah State Bar Association?
Do you have PACER access?
Have you emailed a resume and writing sample to Joanna?
This may include judicial clerkships.
What is the primary nature of your practice?
During the past five years, approximately what percentage of your practice has been criminal trial level practice?
Have you ever been sanctioned by a state bar, a court, an administrative agency, or any other professional group in any way?
If yes, explain in the next question.
Have you been first or second counsel in more than three felony state or federal jury trials?
Briefly summarize the substance of each case, its final disposition, and citation if the case was reported. list the appellate case number if the case was appealed.
Explain any additional information about the work you provide clients at sentencing in Federal or State Court.
Both state and federal prosecution is increasingly, if not exclusively, based on ESI. If you have not used a discovery platform, please explain how you have nonetheless managed and effectively worked with ESI to provide effective representation in your cases.
The CJA Panels are open to all qualified attorneys, and all applicants are encouraged to explain how they will contribute to and increase Panel diversity. Diversity may be reflected by a variety of relevant life and legal experiences, justice system involvement, language fluency, Tribal affiliation, race, sex, gender, and/or socioeconomic status.
By submitting this application, do you certify all of the following?
How many federal cases have you handled as the primary attorney on the case?