All attorneys must fill out this form if they are seeking first time membership on the Salt Lake City or St. George CJA Panels. Application decisions will be made based on case needs, panel size, panel composition, panel conflicts, and panel caseload. Applications should be submitted by December 1 for consideration for 2023 appointments.
The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees an accused the right to representation by counsel in serious criminal prosecutions. Enacted in 1964, the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) establishes a comprehensive system for appointing and compensating legal representation for accused persons who are financially unable to retain counsel in federal criminal proceedings. The CJA Guidelines for the United States Courts are here --
Utah's CJA Panel Committee will review all applications and will forward its recommendations for new panel membership to the Chief Judge. If accepted to a CJA Panel, attorneys will serve for a term of 1-3 years before the next review period.
If an applicant is not immediately accepted for CJA Panel membership, they may be invited to participate in the Second Chair Program beginning for attorneys without sufficient federal defense experience for immediate CJA Panel membership.
Do not send applications by email, email only resumes and writing samples.